ANZRP releases Position Statement on NTCRS scheme expansion

The Board met this week and approved ANZRP’s formal position statement in relation to the expansion of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS).

The position statement, which was developed in consultation with all members, captures our key recommendations for advancing the scheme, including driving enhanced outcomes, as it embraces the proposed next stage of its evolution.

ANZRP will shortly be sharing the finalised position statement with all its members. We encourage members to prepare submissions using a provided cover letter template (signed by your appropriate high-level designation) and the ANZRP Position Statement and send these to the Hon. Minister Tanya Plibersek.

The timing is opportune as The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has indicated it is still open to hearing from interested stakeholders and that concerns over the loss of brand agency associated with the proposed model have been expressed by a number of parties.

We thank all those who provided input and we look forward to members using this statement to advocate for stronger and more effective e-stewardship arrangements in Australia.