National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS)

As a Liable Party under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS), you will need to carefully weigh up which of the approved Co-regulatory Arrangements you select to meet your organisation’s obligations.

ANZRP’s national TechCollect e-waste collection and recycling program:

  • Is the largest collection and recycling program operating under the NTCRS
  • Is owned and operated by some of the world’s leading technology brands
  • Has recycled over 240,000 tonnes of e-waste since its inception

The NTCRS is a Scheme under the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020, which legislates industry to increase recycling and manage the environmental, health and safety impacts of the products that we use. The NTCRS identifies manufacturers/importers of covered products who import over set thresholds as liable to fund the recycling of end-of-life products by joining and funding a Co-regulatory Arrangement to meet set scheme targets and required outcomes.

ANZRP works for its members, not for profit, providing a lean and sustainable arrangement to meet their liability under legislation, and ensures Australian households and small businesses have a free and easy way to responsibly dispose of and recycle their e-waste.

We are committed to setting the highest standard of recycling, and ensure a high recovery rate of the materials recycled. We only partner with recyclers who operate to sound environmental and workplace health and safety standards and 100% of e-waste we collect undergoes first-stage recycling in Australia.

Key industry representatives are on our Board of Directors, so you can rest assured your brand will be safeguarded, and you are partnering with the NTCRS’ leading Co-regulatory Arrangement.

If you have received a letter from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water advising you of your commitments under the Recycling and Waste Reduction (Product Stewardship – Television and Computers) Rules 2021 , contact us on (03) 9020 2222 or email and we will guide and support you through the next steps.

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See why TechCollect is the best solution to your e-waste management liability