

E-product stewardship (or e-stewardship) is an approach to managing the environmental impacts of electrical and electronic products throughout its lifecycle, from design, to production, use and end-of-life management.

Implementing a fuller e-stewardship approach is key to tackling Australia’s growing e-waste problem.

ANZRP has been a strong advocate for a more encompassing e-stewardship approach in Australia. We provide technology companies with a suite of e-stewardship services, particularly end-of-life services. Our members are strong advocates of going beyond compliance and actively seek opportunities to extend the quality and range of sustainability related activities. We also engage with industry and the product stewardship community to raise awareness of the importance of product stewardship.


The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) released a public discussion paper on 20 June 2023, proposing a new e-product stewardship scheme to replace the existing National Television Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS).

The proposed e-stewardship scheme will see two major changes to the existing NTCRS.

1. Regulation of two new e-waste categories

The current National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) covers only televisions, printers, computers, and computer parts and peripherals. The proposed scheme will incorporate all of these e-products and add significantly more.

The paper sets out two new categories of e-waste:

  • Small electrical and electronic equipment (SEEE) – this includes all products currently covered under the NTCRS. This new category will also add a wide range of small household appliances from toasters to handheld drills.
  • Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems – this includes all solar panels, inverters, attached cabling, racking and potentially household energy storage batteries.

2. A new administrative structure with a single scheme administrator.

The current scheme requires liable parties to join an approved co-regulatory arrangement, such as ANZRP, that will organise the collection and recycling of e-waste.

The new scheme would instead appoint a single scheme administrator who would be responsible for delivering the scheme’s outcomes. Each year, the administrator would need to meet obligations relating to the total volume of e-waste recycled, material recovery rates, and minimum access levels to households and small businesses around Australia.

The scheme administrator would contract approved network operators to provide collection sites, logistic and e-waste recycling services. Network operators would make bids to the scheme administrator and compete based on value for money, quality of service, and additional benefits. These benefits could include higher recycling standards, higher data security, or environmental or social contributions.

Liable companies would be required to join the scheme and pay fees to the scheme administrator to discharge their liability. Liable companies may choose to select particular network operators that provide additional benefits but would be responsible for any additional fees.


The proposed scheme changes will have significant impacts on the e-waste sector. It will also mean many more companies will be liable.

If implemented, the changes would likely come into force in 2025 at the earliest.

More detail can be found in the DCEEW discussion paper which is open for comment. We encourage all interested parties to provide their input on the paper here. The feedback period closes on 23 July.

If you’d like to find out more about the scheme changes, and what it could mean for you we are happy to assist and provide tailored information. You can contact us at estewardship@anzrp.com.au.

ANZRP can solve your e-waste management challenges